Mismatched furniture in a room can make it look disorganized and tacky. Solid colors, striped and patterns can clash not only among each other but also with the floors, walls and knick-knacks. Droopy misshapen cushions on the arm of a chair can make a room look run down and worn as well. So what can you do to enhance the appeal and character of a room without much effort? The answer could lie in furniture covers. There are pro’s to using furniture covers. The following describes some of them.
It saves time.
Shopping for new furniture can take days and once you’ve picked out a piece you usually have to wait for it to be delivered which can take hours unless you have a large enough transport of your own. You already have the furniture when you use furniture covers and depending on whether you order them from the mail, you won’t have to wait around.

It saves bucks.
New furniture costs more.
It allows you to keep comfortable, broken-in favorite pieces of furniture.
It hides holes and stains.
It prolongs the life of furniture.
By giving the piece protection from stains and holes. If you have a cigarette smoker in the house, covers can absorb the brunt of cigarette burns and keep the furniture itself from becoming damaged.
It’s easy to wash.
When furniture covers get dirty you can remove them to wash. Usually it’s all right to wash them in the washing machine and many require machine wash on cold. More delicate covers may have to be washed out by hand.
The con’s of furniture covers.
The price can get expensive.
They can cost anywhere from forty dollars on up depending on what piece you are buying it for.
Furniture covers are usually used to decorate chairs, loveseats, and sofas but you can use them to enhance other accent pieces.
Things you can use them on. Car seats, coffee tables, window boxes, computer desks & chairs, patio furniture, washers & dryers and anywhere that needs a good covering that isn’t close to anything dangerous. For example, you could cover a heater but not when it’s on. It’s better to cover up a heater when cold weather season is past. Other things you should be cautious about putting them on are things like a porch swing. A furniture cover would make it harder to hang on and easier to fall off of.