Raw crystal is found in mountain and seashore of big oceans. The crystal is formed naturally like stones but these crystal are used for various purpose globally. It is expensive and mainly used for making ornaments. Generally, a woman likes to wear different kinds of ornament to add beauty to their look. They also prefer stoned work ornaments which suit for their outfits. According to the occasion and colour of their dress, they can choose the crystal ornaments. Other than crystal there are plenty of gemstones available all over the world. Each gemstone has some specific factor and used by millions of people. Like this gemstone, crystal is classified into seven major types.
Such as triclinic, hexagonal, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, monoclinic, and cubic. According to the type, the crystal is differentiated and categorized. Used for various purpose like making jewels, decorative things, wine bottles and used for any champagne. This crystal in other word termed as glassware which looks fancy. But you have to handle all the crystals very carefully because sometimes when it falls it may break into pieces. From large size to tiny crystal can be available in the market. According to your requirement, you can buy the best one for you and utilize it properly.

The Simple Way to Clean Raw Crystal
To clean the raw crystal you have to follow some of the procedure because the raw crystal is accumulated with sand and dust particles. You have clean it well with some solution to bright and shiny. You cannot get the fascinating crystal form the sand, you have done some hard work to get it as shiny elegant crystal. According to the quality and type of the crystal, it is categorized and you will get clean raw crystals for further use. For the cleaning process, you have to add some bleach in the water then soak the crystal for the long term.
After several days take the crystal form the dilution before taking out rinse the crystal well in the solution. Then let the crystal dry in the sunlight for some time and remove the stains in the crystal by using the high-pressure water sprayer. At the time cleaning make sure about the proper precaution because of the acid cause damage to your skin. Wear gloves when handling acid to cleaning the crystal. These all the best way to remove stain, dust and sand in the crystal and to make it clean, bright and shiny.
Uses of Crystal

After cleaning raw crystal it can be shaped using some advance tools. The machinery can cut the crystal into any shape and size required to make jewels and many other things. There is some expensive crystal exist which is only used for making costly ornaments. Most of the crystals are white and transparent but some crystal is different in colour which attracts everyone. The crystal has shinny and bright glowing in nature with or without exposing to sunlight. It is believed that wearing or holding any of the crystal will enhance the emotional, physical and spiritual thoughts. Most people buy crystal stones which are embedded in any form of ornament for this reason.
They believe strongly that having crystal in their body will promote the spiritual thoughts among them. Some crystal is used for healing purpose and there is plenty variety of crystal are available all over the world. From cheap to most expensive crystals are available and they cost may vary according to the quality of the crystal. Some are mainly used for decorative purpose people also show more interest to get it.