Making an impossible decision can be a difficult task. The options are not equal, nor are they better or worse. The benefits of each option are equally weighted. People find it hard to decide which one to choose because no one option has a distinct advantage over the other. For example, a donut tastes better than a bowl of cereal, but both have similar benefits and drawbacks. The only difference is in the timeframe and the people whose lives are likely to be affected.
Time Limit

One of the best ways to force you to make an impossible decision is to set a time limit. By making a deadline, you will have to make a decision or face the consequences. If you have ten minutes to make a decision, this will not be enough. Instead, set a one-hour deadline and force yourself to make your decision. This way, you’ll make the decision faster and with less stress.
Embracing Uncertainty
When circumstances outside of your control are out of your control, you may feel overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. While the situation may actually be more serious than you believe, you can deal with it by focusing on more likely outcomes. Uncertainty is a normal part of life. While you may not experience it every day, you likely know how to handle a minor setback without panicking. If you can learn to embrace uncertainty, you’ll be better prepared for the bigger problem, check out this site.

While uncertainty can freeze you, it can also spark your creative thinking and open doors to different options. Embracing uncertainty is a crucial component of decision making. Philosophy professor Ruth Chang says that embracing uncertainty can help you make better decisions. It also empowers you by making you a better decision maker. It can be difficult to face uncertainty when you are feeling stressed or sick. Taking a step back, considering your options, and taking a breath can help you cope with the situation better.
Making an impossible decision can be a difficult task. The options are not equal, nor are they better or worse. The benefits of each option are equally weighted. People find it hard to decide which one to choose because no one option has a distinct advantage over the other. However, by applying these four simple steps, you can make an impossible decision with relative ease. By weighing the benefits and disadvantages of each option equally, you can arrive at a decision that is best for you. Do you think this is something that anybody can do, or is it reserved for those who have a lot of experience making difficult decisions? Let us know in the comments below!